Oakwood Creative Care nonprofit's Building Joy Campaign to support Arizona seniors and older adults with Alzheimer's, dementia, and other cognitive challenges.

Let’s Make a Difference Together

Will You Help us Build JOY for Arizona’s older adults in need and their communities?

Launched in 2024, Oakwood Creative Care’s Building Joy campaign is a transformative initiative for older adults in Arizona and their families. This campaign will enhance the lives of older adults facing cognitive or physical challenges and provide invaluable support to their families and communities. Upon reaching our fundraising goal of $5 Million, Building Joy will make a significant impact in two key areas:

  • In the Mesa area, the primary focus will be to advance family support and community education – fostering a network of care that extends beyond individuals to create a supportive environment for everyone involved.
  • In the Chandler/Sun Lakes area, we’ll expand day club services and delivery space for people living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia, Parkinson’s, or other physical/ cognitive challenge, to ensure that essential care reaches those who need it most. Additionally, Building JOY will create a brand new Family & Community Support Hub in this area to support these families in need, and the communities they reside in.

Building Joy Goal Tracker

Thank you for supporting the men & women who once built and nurtured the communities we live in today. Your contribution to the Building Joy campaign will directly impact the well-being of these individuals, honoring their contributions to society and profoundly improving their quality of life.

Campaign Forms & Information

Click to download

Letter of




Let’s Talk JOY!

For more info or to discuss partnering with us on this campaign to Build JOY,
please email Sherri Friend at: sherri@oakwoodcreativecare.org

Building JOY Campaign Packet:

View digital packet below or click here to download


What is Oakwood Community Care's Mission?

“To enhance the quality of life and spark joy for older adults with cognitive or physical challenges, as well as their family care partners, through day clubs, memory cafés, and other home and community-based services.”

How long has OCC been serving Mesa and the surrounding communities?

OCC began as Sirrine Adult Day Health Services in 1975. The founders dreamed of a nonprofit that would provide an innovative solution to help older adults remain in their homes for as long as possible, while staying connected to the community as their health care needs were being met. Sirrine was licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services in 1987 and developed a strong partnership with the community. The City of Mesa and a collective group of women volunteered to fundraise and support the organization. In 2013, Sirrine changed leadership and conducted a rebrand and revitalization. The organization’s name was changed to Oakwood Creative Care, reflecting a new and innovative approach to the services offered, while upholding our deep roots in the community. OCC’s rich history and ability to adapt to the needs of our members is a testament to the community that supports this amazing organization.

What is the profile of a typical OCC client?

A typical OCC client is an older adult with a cognitive or physical challenge such as dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, or stroke, as well as their families and care partners.

How are clients selected for programs & services?

For our day clubs, clients and/or family care partners complete an application online for the location that works best for them. The program director contacts them to provide an assessment to ensure proper placement, and provide payment options. For our Dementia Hub, family care partners and members are able to attend the free memory cafes, educational seminars, support groups, and social gatherings. If someone is new, a quick intake form is completed on site.

What is the project/campaign goal?

$5M. Of which, $2.3M has been secured (as of 01/2024).

How did OCC establish the goals for this campaign?

A Feasibility Study of internal readiness and community interest/support produced favorable results for embarking on this campaign.

How will OCC raise the money needed?

Our campaign welcomes funding from multiple sources including individuals and grant funders.

Will OCC be bringing on any new partners with this project?

OCC is looking forward to working with those that are passionate about growing our services in the community.

What will happen if you don’t raise all the needed funds within the timeline?

We conducted a feasibility study to test key stakeholders and community support before proceeding with this campaign, and feel confident in reaching our goal. If funds are not reached in the allotted time, the project will be backdated until those funds are secured.

How many more people can be served from a successful campaign?

Demand for OCC’s services doubled in 2022, serving 250 people. This number is expected to increase to1,500 by 2026.

Where will the new facilities be located?

OCC is excited to expand our roots in the Sun Lakes/Chandler area. We will also be increasing our growth in East Mesa.

Will anyone be living in these new facilities?

This will be a daytime/evening center with access to wrap-around services for individuals in the community and their families.

What programs will operate in the new facilities?

Mesa: Dementia Hub, Care of People in their Environments (COPE), Memory Cafés, Workforce Training and Certification, OCC’s Central Administrative Offices

Chandler/Sun Lakes: Dementia Hub, Care of People in their Environments (COPE), Memory Cafés, Workforce Training & Certification

What is the difference between a Hub and a Club?

Day Clubs provide exciting opportunities with structured days of attendance for enrolled members living with cognitive/physical challenges to learn skills like woodworking, music, painting, gardening, fitness or wellness classes, discuss history, and socialize with friends. Our Dementia Hub serves as a resource and support center for family care partners to share experiences, information, and strategies in a supportive community where people attend events based on a monthly calendar.

Why does The Perfect Place need a new building?

A new building will allow us to meet the community’s growing need, support more families, and increase the capacity of TPP to serve 35 people per day (up from 16). Further, we could transition from a social model to a medical model, and expand the types of people we serve. The addition of a Hub will offer more programs with the expansion of COPE, Dementia Friendly Sun Lakes, and social services.

Is my campaign gift tax deductible?

OCC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) qualified charitable organization (QCO) code: #20560 and EIN 86-0575242 . Your donation may also qualify for the Arizona Tax Credit. If you’re unfamiliar with the dollar-for-dollar tax credit, please find additional details on our Oakwood Creative Care – Adult Day Centers or AZ Department of Revenue-Tax-Credits. Please consult with a CPA on allowable tax-deductions.

I am already a donor and have an annual operating pledge with Oakwood Creative Care. Can I change the remainder of the pledge to the expansion effort instead?

First and foremost, we thank you for your commitment to sustainable funding on behalf of vulnerable seniors and their families. For this campaign effort, we are suggesting/asking individuals to consider making a stretch gift by adding a second pledge, separate from the original pledge to support this project. This way OCC will not lose annual operating program support during the campaign. If someone has not utilized their full Arizona Charitable tax credit (QCO) we recommend considering utilizing that opportunity as you will have no out of pocket cost if you have a state tax liability (limits of $421 single/ $841 jointly)***If you have recently started a pledge and would like to have other gift options considered, our Philanthropy Coordinator, Erica O’Herron will be happy to work with you erica@oakwoodcreativecare.org | 480-625-4396

Can I make payments to fulfill my pledge and pay over several years?

We ask that smaller pledges be satisfied within 3 -5 years for larger gifts. Pledges can be fulfilled in several ways (annually by credit card or by check, or quarterly or monthly installments). We are also able to fulfill your pledge through an auto bill to your credit card monthly, quarterly, or annually for up to 5 years. You can accelerate payments or pay off the pledge at any time. The anticipated project completion will be well before five years.

I own a business. Can my business make a pledge?

We welcome gifts from businesses or family foundations. Your business will be recognized in the same way as anindividual donor.

I’m not a fundraiser but I’d like to help in other ways….

We would be honored to have you help us with this project. Allowing us the opportunity to introduce our work to a small group at your home or business, bringing friends and family to our fundraising events, following us on social media, or just sharing our story and impact are easy ways to help. If you have other ideas, please contact us to discuss.